A Conversation with Scarlett Lindeman, a restaurateur and food journalist from Mexico City (CDMX)
A discussion with James Farrer (Sophia University) and Krishnendu Ray (NYU)
Covid has impacted restaurant scenes in all cities, and Mexico City is no exception. In many ways, however, Covid has simply accelerated changes already underway. Scarlett Lindeman, a restaurateur and food journalist from Mexico City (CDMX), will be talking to us about the changing culinary scenes in Mexico as a whole, how Covid has impacted restaurants, changes in regional and indigenous cuisines, impacts of migration on the dining scene, how culinary globalization is organized in CDMX in particular, and how these patterns are similar to or different to culinary trends in other global cities

About Scarlett Lindeman
Scarlett Lindeman is a chef, writer and researcher based in Mexico City. She received her masters in Food Studies from NYU and was a PhD candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center in Sociology. Her research has focused on how Mexican migration shapes Mexican cuisine in the United States; the axis of production/consumption and power; and more generally, foodways and culture. She is the co-author of Dinner at the Long Table and is the owner/operator of CICATRIZ, a popular CDMX restaurant.

June 15, 2022 on Zoom
Time: 10 PM JST (9 AM EDT)
Please register from HERE: https://forms.office.com/r/FvzT3kGWSr
Event flyer (PDF): Click Here
The Future of Eating Out Lecture Series

Buffeted by COVID, climate change, labor shortages, and other stressors, the food and bev- erage industry around the world is in crisis and transition. How are practices of eating out changing? Where are restaurants, street vendors and other eateries headed? This is a series of lectures and dialogues with food researchers and practitioners to see where the global business of eating out is headed during and after the COVID crisis. Looking at eateries on different scales from gourmet restaurants to street vendors, we hope to gain insights that can be shared across national and local contexts.
This online series is organized by the Global Food Project of the Institute of Comparative Culture at Sophia University and the New York University Nutrition and Food Studies, with funding from Sophia University. Lectures will be held on zoom, recorded, and made available to interested viewers around the world.
Photos: Top, Scarlett Lindeman / Bottom by Ali Alcántara via PEXELS