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Film showing and Discussion: Tokyo Kurds

Updated: Jun 3

Postponement of showing of Tokyo Kurds

We have just been informed by Amnesty International that they have been unable to secure the film data necessary for our film showing. As a result, we are forced to postpone our film showing of "Tokyo Kurds" until a later date. 

We are deeply sorry for this postponement and apologize for the trouble it has caused. "Tokyo Kurds" is an important film and we will do what we can to find a way to show it to you as soon as possible. 

On behalf of the Sophia University Institutes of Global Concern and Comparative Culture, we apologize for the inconvenience. 


David Slater

Sophia University








  • Location: Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Bldg. 2, room 401


・  Introduction and Welcome: David Slater, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture

・  Message from

・   Amnesty International

・   Supporting refugee and migrant in Japan: Sophia Refugee Support Group

・  Film showing (with subtitles in Japanese and English)

・  Discussion with (Discussion in Japanese with English welcome)

・   Vakkas Colak (Kurdish language lecturer at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and Secretary General of Japan-Kurdistan Friendship Association


In the 1990s, about 2,000 Turkish Kurdish refugees settled in a suburb of Tokyo; however, up until today, most of them are still illegal immigrants. Ozan has been working illegally as a construction worker and is anxious about his uncertain future. Mehmet spent 520 days in detention for no apparent reason while suffering from a critical health condition without medical aid. Ramazan has been trying various ways to obtain a visa, but his illegal immigrant status has kept him from his dream. “I always felt anxious because I didn't know when I would be taken into detention. Still, I dream and envision the future opportunities."


This event is co-hosted at Sophia by Institute of Comparative Culture and Institute of Global Concern and supported by Amnesty International, Japan.




  • 開会のご挨拶:

    • デイビッド・スレーター上智大学教授、比較文化研究所 所員

    • アムネスティー・インターナショナル

    • Sophia Refugee Support Group (SRSG): 日本における難民・移民の人達への支援を行う学生主導のボランティア団体

  • 「東京クルド」上映(日本語および英語字幕)

  • ディスカッション(日本語で行いますが英語でのご参加も歓迎いたします)

    • チョーラク・ワッカス(東京外国語大学・大学院総合国際学研究院 研究員、日本クルド友好協会役員)








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