With Sachi Nakajima (Representative of NPO Resilience), Yuni Tomodsuka (the director), and Akiko Takeyema (Professor at University of Kansas)
Date: 10th January 2025, 17:30-19:30
The venue: Building 10, 301
Event Description:
“Team Sonoko” is a short film depicting the effects of dissociative identity disorder which begins by illustrating how Sonoko and her internal identities struggle in their everyday lives. This portrayal is both realistic and authentic in how Sonoko’s efforts led her to understand that with better communication and collaboration with the other personalities, she is a part of a team that is based on functional multiplicity. Followed by discussion with the director, and representative of NPO Resilience, we will deepen our understanding of the connection between sexual violence and dissociative identity disorder in Japanese society.
The presentation will be in Japanese with English translation by Lykke Lafaye.
Event Outline:
17:00 Open the venue
17:30 Event starts with welcome greeting by Prof. David Slater
17:32 Introduction of guests by Dr. Maiko Kodaka
17:35 Introduction of the film by Sachi Nakajima (Representative of NPO Resilience), Yuni Tomodsuka (the director)
17:45 Film showing (45 mins)
18:30 5 mins break
18:35 Discussion with Sachi Nakajima (Representative of NPO Resilience), Yuni Tomodsuka (the director), and Akiko Takeyema (Professor at University of Kansas)
19:00 Q & A with Audience
19:30 Event finishes
Biographies of guests:
Yuni Tomodsuka
Yuni Tomodsuka has been active as a lecturer and trainer on domestic violence and dating violence for the last 15 years. She has also deepened her understanding of dissociation by continuing to learn from experts on the subject, as well as through more than 20 years of relationships she has had with numerous friends and acquaintances who are living with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her discernment and her hope to spread awareness on dissociative issues are reflected in the production of the film “Team Sonoko”, which she produced in 2023. Since April 2023, she has conducted over 40 film screenings of “Team Sonoko” across Japan, with about a dozen more to transpire in the near future. Over 2,500 people have been in attendance at the screenings thus far and she is hoping to reach more people through her movie.
Sachi Nakajima
Representative of NPO Resilience, holder of a Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) and a Master’s degree in Social Work from the United States. Her personal experience as a survivor of violence motivated her to pursue studies in this field. In 2003, she launched a "Kokoro no Care Seminer" for women and subsequently founded "Resilience." She delivers numerous lectures annually across Japan. In 2024, she serves as a member of the Cabinet Office's "Expert Review Panel on Approaches to Understanding Sexual Violence for Evidence-Based Policy Making". Since 2020, under the Ministry of Justice's initiatives, she has conducted training sessions and workshops for both residents and staff at juvenile correctional facilities nationwide. Her major publications include: My Resilience: Living with Trauma (Nashinoki-sha, 2013), Sexual Violence: Living Beyond the Aftermath (Resilience, 2011), Co-authored To the Wounded: Volumes 1 & 2 (Nashinoki-sha, 2005, 2010), Co-translated Understanding the Reality of DV and Abuse Perpetrators by L. Bancroft (Akashi Shoten)
Akiko Takeyama
Akiko Takeyama is Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Kansas. Her research interests lie in gender, labor, and issues of consent in the context of neoliberal globalization. She is the author of Staged Seduction: Selling Dreams in a Tokyo Host Club (Stanford University Press, 2016), which was shortlisted for the 2017 Michelle Rosaldo Book Prize. Her new book, Involuntary Consent: The Illusion of Choice in Japan's Adult Video Industry, came out last year.
This screening is organized by Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture based Abe/SSRC project “Consent” in Sexual Violence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Japan and the US.
Members of the Abe/SSRC project "Consent in Sexual Violence" would like to express our sincere gratitude to NPO Resilience for their cooperation in organizing this screening.
映画『Team その子』上映会
2025年1月10日 17:30-19:30
映画『Team その子』は、解離性同一性障害の影響を描いた短編映画で、主人公その子と彼女の内なる人格が日常生活の中でどのように葛藤しているかをリアルかつ真摯に描写しています。この映画は、その子が他の人格とより良いコミュニケーションと協力を図ることで、自分自身が「機能的多重性」に基づいたチームの一員であると理解するまでの過程を描いています。上映後には監督とNPOレジリエンス代表によるディスカッションを通じて、日本社会における性暴力と解離性同一性障害との関係について理解を深めます。
使用言語は日本語ですが、英語の逐次通訳も付きます。翻訳者: ルカ・ラファイエ
17:00 開場
17:30 開演の挨拶(デイヴィッド・スレーター教授)
17:32 ゲストの紹介(小高麻衣子)
17:35 映画の紹介(中島幸子〈NPOレジリエンス代表〉、友塚結仁監督)
17:45 映画上映(45分)
18:30 5分休憩
18:35 中島幸子〈NPOレジリエンス代表〉、友塚結仁監督、竹山明子教授〈カンザス大学〉によるトークショー
19:00 質疑応答
19:30 閉演
友塚結仁氏は、過去15年間にわたり、ドメスティックバイオレンスやデートDVに関する講師やトレーナーとして活動してきました。また、解離に関する専門家から学び続けることや、解離性同一性障害(DID)とともに生きる多くの友人や知人との20年以上にわたる関係を通じて、このテーマへの理解を深めてきました。彼女の洞察力と解離に関する認識を広めたいという希望は、2023年に制作した映画『Team その子』に反映されています。2023年4月以降、彼女は『Team その子』の上映会を日本全国で40回以上開催しており、今後さらに10数回の上映が予定されています。これまでに2,500人以上が上映会に参加しており、彼女は映画を通じてより多くの人々にメッセージを届けております。
カンザス大学女性・ジェンダー・セクシュアリティ研究教授、東アジア研究センター長。ジェンダーと労働に関する研究を中心に現代日本の性差別や労働搾取問題にとりくむ。著書に『Staged Seduction:Selling Dreams in a Tokyo Host Club』 (Stanford University Press, 2016、2017年ミシェル・ロザルド・ブック賞候補)がある。新著『Involuntary Consent: The Illusion of Choice in Japan's Adult Video Industry』を昨年の夏に出版。
この上映会は上智大学比較文化研究所 安倍フェローシップ・米国社会科学研究評議会(SSRC)プロジェクト” Consent” in Sexual Violence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Japan and the USが企画、開催するイベントです。
Abe/SSRCプロジェクト「Consent in Sexual Violence」のメンバー一同、今回の上映会開催にご協力いただいたNPO法人Resilienceに心より感謝申し上げます。