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"Bait and Switch:  Japan refugee policy and practice leading to Ukraine"   on Nov. 18

Writer: i-comculi-comcul

David H. Slater

Date:  Nov. 18, 2022 (Fri) 

Time:  19:00 – 20:30

Format:  Zoom 

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With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, once again the world has seen the direct connection between global aspirations, domestic policy, and the rise of refugees. Here in Japan media and academic voices have celebrated Japanese recent “acceptance” of displaced Ukrainians. This presentation juxtaposed Japan’s often misleading rhetoric and refugee recognition practice.

David H. Slater led the Adopted Research Projects of Research in Priority Areas 2018-2021 "Refugee and New Immigrant Support: The Role of the Church, Other Religious Groups, and Civil Society Organizations in the Sustainable Social Integration of Displaced Populations into Japan" and is a leader of the ICC Collaborative Research Unit "Digital Social Science and Oral Narrative Research"

PexelsDavid Peinadoによる写真

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